Everything You Have Ever Wanted To Know About Public Speaking

Many people are scared to speak publicly. They tend to avoid these engagements. However, sometimes public speaking is not avoidable. If you want to improve your own public speaking talents, read the information that follows below.

Your audience will not remain attentive unless you work to keep them listening. You need to make an effort to get and keep their attention. You will need to use multiple tactics to keep their attention.

It’s important to be prepared for your speech. Have an idea of the message you are trying to get across. Conduct additional research so you are able to back up your points. Write down the things you plan on saying. Also, remember to memorize your words so you look professional while speaking. Being well-prepared can improve confidence when it’s time for your actual speech.

Make sure to understand what you are saying. Don’t just memorize words, understand facts and even have a relevant story or joke on hand. Work them in where you think they fit and will engage your current audience. Also use them to reinforce your speech in questions and answer sessions or follow up conversations.

Understand the topic of your speech completely. Do a lot of research so you have not only your point of view, but others as well. Write down bullet points of everything you want to cover, and be clear and concise so that you can refer to it as needed during your speech. When the time comes for the audience to ask questions, you will be glad that you prepared so thoroughly.

You can become better at public speaking by telling a story that is true. Outline the story before the speech. Your story should have a clear beginning middle and end for better communication of your ideas. Base your story off of real life so your speech is natural and authentic.

If you realize you missed a sentence of your speech, just keep going. You will ruin your momentum if you try and backtrack to include the missing information. Also, people will notice it more if you backtrack.

Practice deep breathing exercises if you are the type who is anxious when you speak in public. Before you start to speak, breath deeply a few times and then exhale. Inhale through the nose for four seconds, and then exhale through the mouth for five. Do this about 6 times to calm yourself down.

Do not drink alcohol prior to giving your speech. You might think it will make you bolder, but it is a terrible idea. Do not step up to the podium with liquor in your blood or you might make some terrible mistakes.

Begin by engaging the audience. Smile and shake hands when you enter. If you are positive, your audience will be interested in your speech.

Go over your speech several times before you deliver it. This will elevate your confidence and enable you to know the material backwards and forwards. No matter how well you know the speech, make sure to bring your notes with you. This will give you peace of mind because you will be able to peek at your notes should you forget what you’re about to say.

If you have a public speech coming up, try picturing the speech in your mind. Picture the actual speech in your head and the audience’s reaction. Also, your confidence will be boosted when you do this.

Ask Questions

Don’t make your audience wait to ask questions at the end of the speech. The audience may forget their questions. If you let people ask questions throughout your speech, they will appreciate you more.

Never wing a speech that you plan to deliver. This idea is always a bad one, regardless of your level of passion or personal knowledge of a subject. You may be successful, but it is not recommended. However, your audience deserves more than this and so do you.

Start your speech off with a good story to establish audience connection. Use a hypothetical situation, a topical news event or even a personal experience. Adding a bit of humanity to your topic can trigger their empathy and willingness to learn from you. When making your story, avoid anecdotes that some might find offensive.

You can learn to speak well in front of others. All you need to do is take the time to learn how to approach it best and then practice, practice, practice. Practice is important to become a public speaking pro. The next time you’re called upon to give a speech, keep these tips in mind. It’s not as terrible as you may fear.

Onaolapo Adeyemi is a travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks. 

Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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