If you dread the idea of getting up to speak to a group, do not fret. Gaining information on the topic will increase your confidence and skill level. Read on to learn all about this.
Utilize a timer to determine the length of your speech. You’ll be able to add or subtract content to keep it in your time limit. If your speech isn’t long enough, you’ll have time to do some more research to lengthen it. Also remember, you never want to rush through your speech; remember to pace yourself.
Memorize your speech before you do anything. After you are able to do the speech from memory, you will be able to refine your delivery. Memorizing your speech also makes ad libbing on stage more comfortable.
Learn the material as well as possible. If you have your speech committed to memory, it is still very important to understand the topic completely so you can tell stories or jokes related to it. Insert them and gauge how your audience reacts to them. They can also help you when it comes time for the audience to ask questions.
If you talk about something that really happened in your speech, it will make it more meaningful. Make yourself a solid outline of the facts to base your speech on. There should be a beginning, middle and an end to communicate your ideas. Base your story on something that happened in real life.
Use deep breathing techniques to assuage your anxiety with regard to public speaking. Before speaking, breathe in deeply and exhale fully several times to center and prepare yourself. Inhale through your nose for a four-count, and exhale through your mouth for a five-count. You’ll feel calm if you repeat this six times.
Practicing happens to be the best method to learn what you’re going to say. You can try recording the speech or practicing the speech in front of your mirror to spot any areas that need improvement. Practicing before loved ones is an ideal method since they can offer the best criticism.
Even if the event you’re speaking at is casual, dress nice. If you feel that you look good, you’ll tend to talk better, as well. Consider a tie because it draws the eye to your face and helps people focus on what you are saying.
Stay away from alcoholic drinks prior to speaking. It may appear to be a good idea, but it really isn’t. Do not step up to the podium with liquor in your blood or you might make some terrible mistakes.
Make sure to focus on getting your audience’s attention early on. Smile when entering the room, and you can try shaking hands if you’re able. Emitting positivity in advance will cause them to listen to your remarks.
Rehearse your speech every day. This will make you an expert on your topic and improve your confidence. While having the speech memorized is ideal, you should carry note cards with you to the podium. These notes may come in handy should you forget your speech.
Once your speech is prepared, practice it often to the point that you have it mostly memorized. Deliver your speech while looking in a mirror to help you see the effects of various facial expressions and hand gestures that you use to bring points home. Practice in front of your family and ask for feedback. They can add suggestions for improvements.
Note Cards
Use note cards if necessary. While you should have your speech memorized, you should carry a set of note cards with you to the podium. You don’t need the whole thing written down, but having your main points on note cards can help you avoid leaving out the important points in your speech.
Strong, confident voices are key when it comes to addressing large groups. Keep water near you when you are speaking. Avoid dairy and soda prior to your speech. Such drinks thicken the saliva and can cause excessive mucous. Some hot tea before a speech can soothe your vocal cords.
Speaking in public is feared by many. But in reality there’s a lot of ways to boost your abilities pretty quickly. Take the tips you read to heart, and get out there and practice as much as possible.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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