Do you need to give a speech at a wedding? Maybe you’re planning on a pitch at work or a school speech. Whatever your reason for giving a speech, it needs to impact in the right way. Use the ideas from the following paragraphs to accomplish just that.
You cannot give a speech and automatically assume that everyone will follow what you say. It is up to you to grab their attention and hold on to it. To get results, you must work for it.
It’s vital to know about everything that you will be talking about during a speech. Think about the material that you are trying to get across. It is possible to work them into your speech as you get a feel for your audience. Draw on your general knowledge in the Q&A session following your presentation.
After committing your speech to memory, practice it over and over. Tweak it as necessary. Yoiu can also practice good breathing techniques as you speak. Leave time for interruptions like laughter and applause. If you can, use the same equipment for practice that you will use when giving your actual speech.
Understand the topic of your speech completely. Try broad research to see your topic from every side. Think through what you want to say, and put those thoughts down on paper so you can follow your own train of thought. You will sound more professional if you know how to answer their questions.
Know who your audience is. If at all possible, find out who the people are in the crowd. If possible, greet them as the enter the room and ask their names. It can make it easier to talk in front of your audience.
Focus on telling true stories to help improve your public speaking. Make sure to outline your speech. Make sure that your story has discernible chapters, like beginning, a middle and an end. If your story is one that is modeled after a true story, you will be both natural and believable.
You should know about the room you are speaking in. Learn how far your voice carries if there is not a microphone. Get a good feel for any equipment you may need to use. Figure out what you want to do with your visual aids. Make sure you understand what an appropriate level of eye contact is.
Learn how to do some deep breathing in order to calm your nerves before speaking publicly. Before speaking, breathe in deeply and exhale fully several times to center and prepare yourself. Inhale through your nose for a four-count, and exhale through your mouth for a five-count. Do this approximately five times to feel a positive difference in how calm you feel.
Bring the audience to your side, and then begin speaking. If possible, walk around and personally greet people, but always remember to smile. If you are positive, your audience will be interested in your speech.
Go over your speech several times before you deliver it. You will feel more at ease with the material once you have done this. Even if you have memorized your speech, take your note cards with you to the podium. This will give you peace of mind because you will be able to peek at your notes should you forget what you’re about to say.
End your speech with something memorable. The end of a speech is what people remember. Do not end with something boring so you can stay memorable.
Note Cards
Use note cards if necessary. While you should commit your speech to memory, keep a written copy handy in case you lose your place. Your entire speech need not be written out, but make note cards on the key points to make sure you do not forget anything.
Even if you are very nervous and feel that you are falling all over yourself, don’t apologize. You might be afraid of making yourself look silly, but your listeners are unlikely to notice. Just correct any mistake and don’t apologize.
Public Speaking
There are many different reasons you may need to give a speech. Unfortunately for many people, public speaking is a nightmare. The tips you have read can help you become a more complete speaker. Skillful public speaking brings results.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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