If you dread the idea of getting up to speak to a group, do not fret. Once you learn some helpful tips that make the process less intimidating, you may find that public speaking is rather empowering. Keep reading for more information.
Know your speech through and through. When you have memorized the speech, you should then work on delivery. If you know your speech, you can add to it and play with it a little while you are on stage, while still getting your message across.
If you want to speak and public and make a good impression, then preparation is essential. Know what you’re going to say. You may want to research to make sure your statement are factual. Have an outline of your speech on paper so you can refer to it while giving your speech. Practice the speech so that you could say it in your sleep. Being prepared will give you the confidence you need to be an effective public speaker.
You should know the speech you are giving. You should even know facts and jokes about the topic of your speech. Use them when needed to bolster your persuasiveness. They are also useful while answering questions from the audience on in follow up conversations.
Pay Attention
Always face your audience during your speech. This will limit the amount of distractions that you have. You want your audience to pay attention to you, so you need to pay attention to them as well.
You need to be very comfortable with the subject of your speech. Try broad research to see your topic from every side. Then pare this down to a few carefully crafted main points that are easy to follow. This kind of preparation is bound to pay off handsomely as your audience asks questions.
Focus on the truth when speaking in public. Make sure to outline your speech. Give a good introduction and conclusion to surround the story. If you relate the story to something personal or some other event that truly happened, your story will be more natural.
When making a public speech, become acquainted with the room. Understand the distance your voice can travel. If there is equipment you’ll be using, learn about it before the speech. Learn how to use any visual aids that might be present. Make eye contact with the audience as much as you can.
Try dressing nice, even if it is a casual event. Your attire plays a major role in your speech. Men should consider wearing a necktie when possible, as it does direct audience eyes to the face and head so they focus on your speaking.
Before you begin your speech, make sure you have already engaged the audience. If possible, walk around and personally greet people, but always remember to smile. This will make the audience members more receptive to your speech.
Note Cards
Note cards really can be helpful. While you should have your speech memorized, you should carry a set of note cards with you to the podium. You don’t need the whole thing written down, but having your main points on note cards can help you avoid leaving out the important points in your speech.
Strong, confident voices are key when it comes to addressing large groups. Try to have some water nearby during your speech. When you know you have to give a public speech, stay away from dairy drinks and sodas on that day. These drinks can stimulate the production of mucous and thicken your saliva. Try drinking hot tea before you speak to get your vocal cords to relax.
Many people don’t want to speak in public and would do anything to get out of it. That said, there are several ways to make it much easier. Using the tips above, you may wish to speak in public much more often.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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